Category Archives: Infographic

All You Need to Know about CPR with AED and First Aid Training – Infographic

The infographic titled as “EMSA Licensed Childcare Pediatric (Infant, Child and Adult) CPR with AED and First Aid Training”, describes what all essential things CPR and AED classes involved and what all necessary things you should know before applying for any classes.

Pediatric first aid training and CPR training classes for all age type including infant, child and adult includes emergency conditions like, chocking management, control of bleeding, amputation, chest compression, breathing, allergic reactions, spinal injuries and head injuries, fractures and dislocations, and various others.

Hours of training which is necessary to complete in first aid is of 4 hours, while 4 hours of pediatric CPR is also important to complete. Along with this, 8 hours of preventive health and safety training is necessary which is a one-time course only.

There are so many ways from which you can confirm about an official EMSA course which are call EMSA to confirm, check the length of their classes and you can also ask them for their license. To know more, please refer to the details mentioned on below infographic.

Adams Safety Infographic

Why CPR is Important to Learn? – Infographic

The info-graphic titled as”Why CPR is necessary?” describes important aspects of learning CPR. In United States more than 300,000 people suffered from cardiac arrest every year. CPR can help in saving those lives.

During a cardiac arrest heart stops beating and blood flow stops, person starts losing consciousness within 15 seconds. Within another 30 to 60 seconds patient stops breathing and damage can happen to his brain cells in case of oxygen deprivation.

CPR helps the person’s blood keep circulating until more advanced tools can be used. Learning CPR is very easy; you don’t have to be a genius or complete years of medical school to learn and perform CPR effectively. Learning CPR makes you feel confident during an emergency situation as you have all the skills and knowledge required to perform CPR.

If no-one is trained and does not provide CPR survival is almost 0%. To know more about CPR and why it is important to learn, please refer to the details mentioned on below info-graphic.

Why CPR is necessary

How CPR techniques work in Human Body? – Infographic

The info-graphic titled as”How does CPR work in body?”, describes the functionality of CPR in human body. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a combination of techniques designed to pump the heart to get blood circulating and deliver it to the brain.

There are mainly two techniques stated in below info-graphic is “compression-to-the-chest” and “mouth-to-mouth”. How CPR works? During CPR, oxygen helps the brain to function. Brain then helps the heart to start beating again through nerve streams.

Compression to the chest helps in forcing blood out of the heart and getting it flowing back through the body. During the compression process timely check whether the person’s heart is beating or not if there is no pulse on a patient means the heart is not functioning.

Comparatively “Mouth-to-Mouth” technique is very effective as if blood which is pumping through chest compression is de-oxygenated then it will not supply oxygen to the brain. When brain loses oxygen the brain tissue starts losing their life.

Practical knowledge of CPR is very important to have before applying it in an emergency situation. To know more please refer to the details mentioned on below info-graphic.

How CPR works

Why to Attend CPR and EMSA Classes – Infographic

The info-graphic titled as “Why CPR and EMSA classes are important to attend” describe various information related to CPR and EMSA training. CPR training for infant, child and adult includes diseases like chocking management, control of bleeding, open chest injury, asthma, chest pain, brain injury etc. whereas Emergency Medical Services Agency (EMSA) includes understanding the spread of disease.

EMSA classes provides you training on problems like,

•    What is a communicable disease?
•    How are illness spreads?
•    How to reduce the spread the respiratory illness
•    What can you do to keep the children and yourself healthy?

What benefits you can get from CPR and EMSA classes?

•    It helps in saving lives
•    You can help prevent the symptoms from getting worse
•    First Aid training provides correct knowledge for handling emergency situations.
•    You will learn how to react in emergency situation or what best you can do immediately to make victim feel better
•    Trained victims are able to take better control over emergency situations
•    You’ll also get the expertise on how to give injections, apply bandage, blood flow control etc.

For further information related to CPR and EMSA classes refer below info-graphic.

CPR and EMSA Classes

Advantages Of BLS Certification Classes – Infographic

The info-graphic titled as “BLS Certification Classes” describes the importance of BLS certification. Basic Life Support (BLS) certification trained you on everything related to infant CPR, child CPR and adult CPR. This certification cover topics related to all age groups. Emergency care cover issues like circles of care concept, initial assessment, breathing problems, internal bleeding, fainting, stoke, asthma, open abdominal injury, introduction to illness and injury, severe allergic reactions and many more.

What are the advantages of BLS certification classes to students?

•    Classes teach you the easy learning methods in a low stressed class manner.
•    Along with the practical classes you’ll also get the excellent printed support materials.
•    You’ll also get the materials like digital work book, certification card, wallet card that should issued to you at the class and best part is this is already been included in the class fee.
•    Award winning videos for the encouragement.
•    Materials that are provided to you will be in dual language i.e. English and Spanish.

BLS can be used when victims appeared to be drowning, chocking, unconscious or suffering from cardiac arrest. To know more about BLS certification refer to the details mentioned on below info-graphic.

BLS certificationBLS certification

How CPR Training Helps Saving Lives – Infographic

The info-graphic titled as “American Heart Association CPR certification: Learn how to save a life” describes the importance of CPR certification and how you can analyze when to give CPR. Before giving CPR one must know the exact procedure of how to perform CPR and must understands the symptoms of it.

CPR certification is essential to have as cardiac arrest is in one of the leading cause of sudden death and if left untreated it will inevitably result in death of the victim. But if you have the knowledge and experience of how to perform CPR you can save that person’s life till the medical help arrived.

Now the question is how you’ll get to know whether it’s a cardiac arrest or not? If victim’s heart stops pumping blood around the body and makes him to collapse this might be the first stage. Afterwards, if victim start becoming unconscious and suddenly stops breathing or stops breathing normally then it’s the right time to give that person CPR immediately.

Know more about the benefits of CPR training just by clicking on the website. You can also refer to the details mentioned on the below info-graphic.

American Heart Association

An Insight into the History of CPR – Infographic

CPR or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a life-saving emergency procedure. Under this procedure, a person presses up and down on the victim’s chest (chest compressions) and gives a series of rescue breaths to help save victim’s life in case of a cardiac arrest. Here are certain key facts related to the history of CPR from timeline 1740-1972, have a look:

•    In the year 1740, the Paris Academy of Sciences officially recommended mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for drowning victims.

•    In 1767, The Society for the Recovery of Drowned Persons became the first organized effort to deal with sudden and unexpected death.

•    In 1891, Dr. Friedrich Maass performed the first equivocally documented chest compression in humans.

•    In 1903, Dr. George Crile reported the first successful use of external chest compressions in human resuscitation.

•    In 1904, the first American case of closed-chest cardiac massage was performed by Dr. George Crile.

•    In 1954, James Elam was the first to prove that expired air was sufficient to maintain adequate oxygenation.

•    In 1960, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was developed. The AHA started a program to acquaint physicians with close-chest cardiac resuscitation.

•    In 1966, The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences convened an ad hoc conference on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

•    In 1972, Leonard Cobb held the world’s first mass citizen training in CPR in Seattle, Washington called Medic 2.

For more details related to the history of CPR, please refer the given infographic.

CPR Training

How to Perform CPR for Dogs? – Infographic

The infographic titled, “Pet CPR for Dogs” describes the important steps to perform CPR for dogs. CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a combination of chest compression and artificial respiration. The process is generally used when you cannot hear the dog’s heart beat. You must be aware of the right steps to perform this technique otherwise it may prove to be hazardous for a dog.

For dogs under 10 kg/22 lbs, use the one handed technique by wrapping the hand over sternum and chest. Give 30 chest compressions 100-120x/minute. Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions. After that, give two mouth-to-snout rescue breaths following each set of compressions (30:2).

For medium to giant dogs, lay your dog on her side on a flat surface, use the two handed technique by placing your hands over the widest part of the chest. Keeping your arms straight, push down on the rib cage. Now compress the chest ¼ of its width. Squeeze and release rhythmically at a rate of 80 compressions per minute.  Similarly, there are different CPR steps for different types of dogs. For details, please refer the given infographic.

Pet CPR and First Aid

Things to Know about EMSA Child Care Training by Adams Safety – Infographic

The infographic titled, “EMSA Licensed Childcare Prevention of Illness and Injury Course by Adams Safety Training” provides basic information about EMSA Child Care Training by Adams Safety. Proudly serving the San Francisco Bay Area since 1991, Adams Safety Training provides First Aid Training, CPR Classes, and BLS training to the entire San Francisco Bay Area.

Adams Safety Training Licensed Child Care programs are certified and approved by the State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority-EMSA. The State of California requires new childcare providers to attend 16 hours of training. Here are a few important details about the training, have a look:

The EMSA Child Care Training consists of 8 hours of First Aid and CPR Training and 8 hours of Prevention Health and Safety Training.

The Preventive Health and Safety Training providers at Adams Safety provide all the necessary training for childcare providers to meet the requirements of California State Law and meet the need of AB 1542

The training includes a CD with a 279 page manual including forms for operation of the childcare included in the cost of the class.

For more information about EMSA Child Care Training by Adams Safety, please refer the given infographic.

EMSA child care training

Key Facts to Know About CPR – Infographic

The infographic titled, “Facts Related to CPR and Its Causes”, describes all the important information about CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). CPR was first invented in the year 1960. It basically consists of mouth to mouth respiration and chest compression. This medical procedure is generally conducted in medical emergencies. With the help of this life saving technique, around 92,000 people are saved each year in the United States.

Some of the critical conditions that may require performing CPR include chocking, drawing, heart attacks, severe allergic reactions, electric shock and drug overdose. CPR must be performed immediately on a person who has become unconscious and is found pulse less due to any of the above mentioned reasons.

When performed properly, CPR can help to keep a person alive till a professional help arrives and more advanced procedures are used to treat the cardiac arrest. CPR allows oxygenated blood to circulate to various vital organs of the body including brain and heart. To perform this technique successfully, you must be well-trained in CPR and certified from a renowned institution. For more details information about CPR, please refer the given infographic.

CPR Training