Monthly Archives: January 2019

Why You Should Join EMSA Classes

This infographic titled “Why EMSA Classes is Important for Childcare Professionals” sheds the light on the need for EMSA classes for people who work with children. This includes nannies, teachers, care providers and even family members. These classes are designed to teach the correct procedure when dealing with an emergency involving children.

EMSA classes are based on the training provided to Emergency Medical Services or EMS, also known as ambulance services or paramedic services. These services are critical for in emergencies that require immediate medical response. EMS services can be used to provide out-of-hospital care or to aid a patient while in transport to definitive care.

Ensuring health and safety: the primary goal of childcare providers is to see that their charges are safe and healthy. EMSA classes stress on the correct means of ensuring both. The course includes the primary safety measures that we must take when dealing with children. Healthy practices are also detailed to see that children illnesses are dealt with in the right manner.

Secure premises: Children are accident-prone because they are not old enough to evaluate the dangers in their environment or how to safeguard themselves. This is why we as adults have to be so vigilant around them. This applies to both the indoor environment as well as the outdoors. EMSA teaches the basic security measures that must be taken for ensuring safety of children whether inside a home or in the playground.

Emergency dealings: Despite all the precautions accidents can happen. From cuts, bruises to chocking accidents — children can get into any number of mishaps. Childcare providers must know the right way of dealing with such emergencies. EMSA classes teach childcare providers to respond correctly and promptly in emergency situations.

Saving lives: The skills learnt in EMSA classes can help you save someone’s life in an emergency. Although it is mainly devised for childcare providers, knowing First-Aid, CPR, and AED can be a valuable skill in any emergency.


Know All About BLS

This infographic titled “Who Needs BLS Training” illustrates the meaning of BLS and who can benefit from it. The graphic is divided in three parts that explain what BLS means, what the training involves and people who are required to train.

What is BLS?

Short for Basic Life Support, BLS is professional level CPR. It is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses until more advanced medical care arrives. It is mainly used to maintain CAB (circulation, airway and breathing) with or without the AED. BLS needs more technical knowledge than CPR. It is a more detailed training program. It is also more effective and wide-ranging in terms of emergencies it can address.

What is BLS training?

BLS training is used to provide emergency assistance to a patient of life-threatening illnesses. Unlike CPR, trainees are made to tackle stimulated medical emergencies, such as stroke, fainting, acute asthma, open abdominal wounds, internal bleeding, breathing problems etc.

Who needs BLS training?

As a life-saving skill, BLS training is beneficial for everyone. For some professionals it is a mandatory requirement, especially emergency or medical aid professionals. This includes doctors, nurses, medical assistants, firefighters, police officials, childcare providers, nannies, and school bus drivers.

These can be broadly divided in three categories:

Medical personnel: This includes doctors, nurses and other medics. Since emergencies are most likely to occur within a hospital, this training is essential.

Emergency personnel: Under this category come firefighters, paramedics, and even police officials. As people who often deal with emergency situations, they must be trained to provide assistance till proper medical aid can be provided.

Childcare personnel: People in-charge of small children — such as nannies, childcare providers and bus drivers — come under this category. Such professionals are required to learn BLS so that children under their charge have a better chance of survival in an emergency.

For more details, please refer to the attached infographic.

Why You Should Learn CPR

This infographic titled “Reasons to CPR Classes” focuses on why one should learn CPR. The infographic is aimed at the average person who is reluctant to learn more about this essential skill. Many health experts often urge people to take these classes because learning CPR can help one save someone’s life.


More than 30,000 people in the United States suffer from cardiac arrests every year. CPR is the best way to ensure that these patients have a fighting chance at survival. CPR ensures flow of oxygen to the brain and other vital organs can be maintained till an ambulance arrives and advanced tools can be used to assist recovery. In the absence of immediate medical assistance, it gives patients a fighting chance to recover from an otherwise fatal heart attack.


Despite its proven efficacy in an emergency, statistics show that only 15-30% people who suffer from sudden cardiac arrests outside of a hospital receive CPR from bystanders. In other words, there are just not enough people who know the skill and can administer it when required.


If you are trained in this essential life-saving skill, you can:

  • Assist EMS personnel in an emergency.
  • Develop confidence in dealing with emergencies. Such situations can be terrifying because we know that there is a danger to someone’s life. With the right training, you will know how to deal with such situations and what you can do to diffuse it. You will gain confidence in dealing with such unexpected situations.
  • You can save a loved one’s life. Many people rarely think that they may have to deal with a heart attack patient. But did you know that about 85% of cardiac arrests occur at home? Which means that when a heart attack occurs, the immediate bystanders are most likely to be family members.


Learning CPR gives you the confidence of knowing that you can save someone’s life. If you are still reluctant, please refer to the attached infographic.

Why You Should Invest in First-Aid Training for Your Employees

First-Aid training is a detailed program where participants are taught to deal with common injuries and illnesses. Health authorities agree that ideally everyone should have this basic training. But as an employee, should you bother with training your staff in a First Aid class San Jose? The answer is a most emphatic yes!

Making them safety conscious

People trained in First-Aid are more likely to be safety and security conscious. First-Aid teaches them some of the common consequences of ignoring safety standards. They are also more likely to follow precautionary measures — even the minute details that are often ignored by most people. Remember, prevention is better than dealing with the aftermath.

Dealing with emergencies

Accidents can happen anywhere, even in an office. First-Aid teaches us the right way of dealing with such situations and ensuring that it does not get any worse. Your staff can learn the way to deal with allergies, seizures, spine injuries, cuts, burns, shocks and other common emergencies. A trained person can make tourniquets, dressings, and even deal with impaled objects.

Legal requirements

In some cases it could be a legal requirement. If an accident occurs on premises, the fact that your staffs are trained in First Aid class San Jose can help in minimizing any heavy penalties.

4 Common Myths about CPR Certification

Despite health authorities repeatedly appealing to people to learn CPR, few people actually bother to learn this life saving skill. We know that it can save someone’s life, but people are often under many misconceptions regarding CPR that stops them from learning it. Here are the four most common myths about CPR:

You need to be an expert

No, you do not. You don’t need to be a doctor or paramedic to learn CPR. Anyone can learn it. You only need a certified centre and trainer.

You can injure someone through CPR

Yes, you can accidentally break their ribs. But being injured is still better than being dead! One can heal from the injury with time, but without the CPR, the patient will almost certainly die of cardiac arrest.

You can get stuck in legal troubles

What happens if you injure the other person or if he/she dies despite your best efforts? It is extremely unlikely that you will be hauled in by the cops for this. Even if you do, the Good Samaritan law should be enough to save you.

It’s rarely needed

According to the AHA, more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outof a hospital. Of these, 88% are likely to die. CPR is often the only way to save a victim’s life.

How CPR Certification Can Help Your Job Prospects

Learning CPR is not just a means of learning how to deal with emergencies, it can also be an important tool when you are looking for a job. Many employers today look for people with such certifications.

Added skill

As anyone looking for a job will tell you, every skill can make a difference. Knowing CPR is a life-saving skill and you never know where you may end up needing it. It can be a valuable addition to your CV. It shows that you can be valuable addition to any team; you have the confidence of dealing with emergencies and consideration for others.

Understanding the importance of safety

A person who has undergone CPR training naturally understands the necessity of maintaining safety and security in all situations. Their training teaches them to put safety before any other consideration. Such an employee is more likely to follow critical safety rules in work situations, whether it is office work or in the field.

Having someone at hand for emergencies

Many employers prefer a prospective candidate with CPR certification San Ramon because it can kill two birds with one stone — getting someone for a specific role and having someone on premises who can administer CPR in an emergency.

Why We Need EMSA Training in Schools

Children spend a large part of their day in schools. This is why school policies are not just limited to academic matters, but also the mental and physical well-being of the students. EMSA training San Jose can be a critical aid in this. There are many important skills that teachers can learn through this training course that focuses on prevention of illness and injury.

Understanding the spread of diseases

The classroom is the most common area where children contact illnesses. Their immune system is still developing and hence, they are susceptible to falling sick and infecting others. Teachers must be trained to recognize the common communicable diseases, how these spread and what they can do to contain them.

Teaching preventive health practices

Prevention is better than cure and what better time to teach this than in childhood? Teachers are in a unique position to shape young minds in inculcating healthy habits, such as washing their hands after play or covering their mouth when sneezing. These little lessons can go a long way.

Creating right health policies

On a macro level, teachers and school admin can learn some valuable preventive health policies through EMSA training San Jose. This includes essential practices like keeping health records, medication/vaccination policies, emergency illness procedures and how to deal with a sick child.