Why Only a Trained Person Should Perform CPR?

CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency procedure that includes chest compression usually with artificial ventilation. The procedure is carried out with intent to manually preserve brain function until a professional help arrives and measures are taken to restore impulsive blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest. It is important to note that only a person who is well-trained in CPR should perform CPR. This is because, if not performed properly, CPR may lead to severe injuries of internal organs.

CPR Training in Petaluma

In 40-70% cases, the most common CPR related injuries are fractures of the ribs and sternum. The key factors that influence the frequency and severity of injuries resulting from resuscitation procedures include:-

•    The length of resuscitation time
•    Age of the patient or victim
•    Degree of qualification of the medical personnel

A CPR training program from a well renowned source can help you to learn the right techniques to perform resuscitation for patients who are the victims of sudden cardiac arrest and those who are unresponsive, in respiratory arrest, or choking. Join CPR Training in Petaluma today to become efficient and confident in performing CPR in a correct manner.