Know More About BLS Training

This infographic titled ‘BLS Classes can be Useful in Crisis’ explains the objective of BLS training. BLS of Basic Life Support is an emergency aid service that is administered in case of an acute medical emergency, specifically cardiac arrest, breathing difficulty or respiratory distress.

The objective here is not to treat the victim, but to ensure that he/she survives till professional emergency medical aid arrives on the scene. This training is recommended for everyone. For some medical care personnel, however, it is mandatory; this includes doctors, nurses, paramedic staff, firefighters, childcare staff, bus drivers and so on.

What kind of emergencies can BLS help you deal with?

Cardiac arrest: Studies show that immediate emergency aid can significantly improve the chances of survival for a cardiac arrest victim. Emergency care is focused on ensuring that blood flow to the brain is not stopped, thereby avoiding any brain damage or death.

Choking: This can be due to food or any other matter that chokes the airways. The patient can die as a result.

Sudden collapse: The underlying reason is such cases are usually some kind of stroke. BLS training helps in identifying the cause and dealing with it in the right manner.

How can BLS training help you?

Prepared for emergencies: Accidents can happen anywhere and at anytime. BLS teaches us to be prepared for any emergency. A trained person knows exactly how to respond and minimise the impact. He/she can provide aid outside of the hospital, whether it’s at home or by the road.

Confidence boosting: There is a tremendous gain in confidence from knowing that you can save someone’s life. A BLS trained person knows that he/she can save a victim of cardiac arrest or respiratory illness. Training also makes one calmer and surer of oneself in fraught conditions. In addition, other people now see you as a reliable and responsible person. All this has a positive effect on self-confidence.

For more information, please refer to the attached infographic.