EMSA’s Child Care Nutrition Program

You will be amazed to know that one out of three children is obese or overweight before their 5th birthday. 27% of children in California are food insecure. Some of the key impacts of poor nutrition in children include:

•    Increased risk for chronic disease
•    Breathing problem
•    Self-esteem & other social psychological problems
•    Sick more often
•    Growth impairment
•    Development impairment

EMSA Training in Fairfield

Child care nutrition program is very much necessary to deal with poor nutrition in children. The Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) has developed child care nutrition training standards as required by Assembly Bill 290 (Alejo, Chapter 734, Statutes of 2013). The law includes 1 hour of nutrition training to the existing 7 hour preventive health and safety practices course for a total of 8 hours of preventive health and safety training requisite for licensees of child care homes and centers.

EMSA works with nutrition experts to build up standards for this training. It works closely with its approved Preventive Health and Safety Practices program directors to assist them in developing suitable curriculum for the training. Enroll yourself today for EMSA Training in Fairfield in order to become proficient in child care.