Category Archives: CPR Certification

Want CPR Training in Petaluma?

If you are looking for CPR training in Petaluma, it is a pretty smart move on your part, which you will never ever regret in your life. A technique involving Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), this training will empower you to help people come out alive from near death situations. And why only people, you might also save a very close one who means the world to you as well by using this life saving procedure in the nick of time.

CPR Training Petaluma

Whenever people hear about CPR, their general perception is assuming that it is a heart attack. However contrary to general perception, CPR could be required in a number of scenarios that include, suffocating or choking, drowning, drug overdose, severe allergic reaction and heart conditions in old aged people above 65 years of age.

If you have older people above the age of 65 living with you at home, your CPR training could really come in handy in handling their emergency medical condition, and keeping them stable till the time proper medical care can be provided. So if you have decided to get CPR training in Petaluma, it is definitely a very smart move on your part.

CPR Training Can Prepare You For Tackling Near Death Moments

Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation or CPR administered on a person in time can help save his or her life. And imagine the feeling  of joy and elation you will experience if you are the one administering that CPR?As a matter of fact, it’s impossible to measure that feeling of doing something so significant, which has actually resulted in saving a person’s life.

CPR Training San Jose

This same feeling is often experienced by lifeguards, paramedics and other emergency services personal who are frequently faced with such situations, and save nearly 92000 lives every year only in United States alone. This life technique was invented almost 6 decades back in the 1960s, and since then it has become an extremely important procedure for saving lives in a cardiac arrest.

In this technique, a combination of oral respiration and chest compressions performed to keep the supply of blood going in the vital organs of the person facing a cardiac arrest. By repeating this procedure repeatedly, the person giving the CPR actually manages to give some more time to the person before paramedics can arrive. If you live in San Jose, getting a CPR training San Jose can really be of vital importance in saving precious lives.

Your CPR Training Can Save Lives in San Jose!

Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation, which is commonly known as CPR is an extremely critical procedure that can delay the person from going into a cardiac arrest for some time until proper medical services can be provided. You must have seen this procedure in Hollywood Action Movies quite a number of times, but heavens forbid if you are ever faced with such a situation in real life. In a real life scenario, only your CPR training can help you save a person’s life at that critical moment.

CPR training San Jose

Contrary to the scenes portrayed in the movies where a lucky CPR trained guy gets to practice his skills on a super hot babe; actual cases of CPR are totally different in reality, where every passing second is crucial in saving the life of the person facing a cardiac arrest. Your CPR Training in San Jose can also come handy in saving the life of a dear one at home, when medical emergencies may take some time to reach your residence.

It could also be your father, your mother, your wife or sister, or even your infant kid that you might end up saving at home during odd hours of night with a proper CPR training in San Jose.

How Undergoing CPR Training Can Help You Shape Your Future

Imagine yourself as one of the witnesses of a person who just had a seizure. Since no one in the group has any medical training, they can do little to help the person instantly, who then goes on to die. This will certainly be heart-breaking, don’t you think? The good news is, with little training, you can avoid such a situation on your own. You can give any such person a new lease of life. You surely would now be feeling good about yourself.

CPR training in Fairfield is available from a number of institutions. Upon the completion of the training, these institutes also issue a completion certificate, which comes handy for landing a job with a reputed hospital around the country.


Besides a good job, there are several other benefits as well that certificate holders of CPR training in Fairfield can proudly speak of, such as:

•    You will possess the gift to give others the gift of lives by bringing them out of critical medical conditions such as seizure, heart attack, and more

•    As part of training programs, you will also get first aid training for responding to needs requiring bandaging, controlling bleeding, burns, and so on

•    You will be seen by people around you with a new-found respect that only you will command with your helpful skills

CPR Training – How It Can Make People Look Up to You

Undergoing a simple medical training such as CPR can save numerous lives when the time calls for it. Besides, many major hospitals and nursing homes today have CPR training necessary for recruiting support staff. The training process involves attending classes with registered centers for CPR training in Fairfield, or subscribe for online training. Both physical and online training programs also issue training completion certificates once the trainee has learned the art of this technique.

CPR training in Fairfield is often complemented with another program, first aid training. Under this program, trainees learn the basic first aid techniques for bandaging and splinting, burns, low blood sugar, controlling bleeding, and more.

CPR training in Fairfield

Benefits of Undergoing CPR Training

•    The biggest benefits perhaps that you get from this program is that you get the gift of being able to save the lives of those who suddenly fall into cardiac arrest or had a sudden heart attack.

•    Those who undergo CPR training feel a sense of confidence and responsibility, which helps them in their daily lives as well.

•    CPR knowledge earns people respect from people around them, since they are the only ones who can save lives when the situation asks for it.

•    One has a higher chance of landing a secured job at a hospital or a nursing homes based on CPR training itself.

CPR Training Modules and the Duration of the Program

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (or CPR) training is a very effective medical practice around the world. All hospitals in the U.S. mandatorily require nurses and nursing students to know about CPR/BLS.Most Hospitals and medical school will only accept students who have the CPR/BLS training from the American Heart Association. There are Training Centers across the U.S. providing CPR training programs. Those who seek for CPR training in Petaluma can always contact Adams Safety Training representatives to get more details about the process.

CPR training in Petaluma

American Heart Association training classes offered by Adams Safety Training

•    Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR – Simulation Learning
•    Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR – Classroom Program
•    Adult First Aid/CPR – Classroom Program
•    Adult First Aid/CPR – Simulation Learning
•    Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED – Classroom

There are other institutes for CPR training in Petaluma that can provide you certification for this course. The course duration generally 4 hours, comprises of 2 hours for first aid, and the next 2 for CPR. Once a person is able to complete the course, he becomes eligible to get the certification. Do remember here that any shorter program will not be a genuine program, and may only dupe you going forward. Learn from the experts, and become one yourself within a matter of time.

How to Provide CPR without Training for Saving a Person’s Life

You can never tell what may happen with you or someone around you within a matter of few seconds. You can, however, prepare to save lives in some of those situations by undergoing CPR training in Petaluma. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, or CPR, is given to someone who just had a cardiac arrest. This condition may happen due to a sudden disturbance in heart movement, a traumatic injury or blood loss, a heart attack, or even food poisoning. CPR involves pumping air through the mouth into the patient’s mouth, in order to restore blood circulation manually when the body suddenly stops doing it.

CPR training in Petaluma

Process for CPR training in Petaluma when someone collapses

•    Try shaking the person and see if he reacts
•    Tilt the person’s head backward to open the airway
•    Check if the person is breathing normally for about 10 seconds
•    If he isn’t, call an ambulance, and start pressing his chest
•    After you have pressed chest about 30 times, give a mouth to mouth respiration to keep the blood flow going in his body
•    Don’t waste time checking for a pulse; continue the process if he does not get up, until a defibrillator is available
•    The chest press rate should be clocked around 100-120 presses a minute

How Effective CPR is in Case of a Cardiac Arrest?

Sudden cardiac can happen to anyone at any time, any place. Victims of cardiac arrest often seem healthy and may not have pre-existing heart related issues. In case of a cardiac arrest, the brain loses its supply of oxygenated blood that may lead to permanent brain damage or even death within minutes.

It is important to note that a large number of people suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital. Those who suffer cardiac arrest outside a hospital have only 12% chance of survival. However, if they are given a proper CPR on time, their chances of survival may get double or even triple.

CPR Training

CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is often the only means of countering a sudden cardiac arrest, until a professional medical help arrives at the spot. Therefore, it is important to provide an immediate CPR to the victim of a cardiac arrest. The technique includes manual chest compressions that help to squeeze blood out of the heart and supply it throughout the body, delivering some oxygen-rich blood to the victim’s brain and organs. Everyone including non-medical professionals must get CPR Training in Fairfield to become proficient in this lifesaving technique.

Things a Child Care Provider Must Learn Before Being Licensed To Care for Children

Child care providers are the one who care for children under the age of 5 during the day, and older children before and after school or during vacations. Some of the basic skills to become a child care provider include instructional, patience, physical stamina, decision-making, communication, and social abilities. If you are planning to become a child care provider, you must be aware that the state of California requires new child care providers to attend 16 hours of training.

CPR Training in Fairfield

Programs like ‘Adams Safety Training Licensed Childcare programs’ are certified and approved by the State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA). The training consists of 8 hours of First Aid and CPR Training in Fairfield and 8 hours of Preventive Health and Safety Training.

In order to get licensed to care for children, all child care providers must attend an 8 hour class on the materials that include- understanding the spread of disease, preventive health practices and preventive health policies. Child care training provides all the appropriate knowledge and skills to the trainees for handling emergency situation without nervous, afraid or confused.

Important Details Related to Pet CPR

CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a life saving technique that includes chest compression and artificial respiration. CPR technique is generally used when you cannot feel or hear the dog’s heartbeat. If you know the right way to administer CPR, you may be able to save your pet’s life before you get your pet to a veterinarian. It is important to note that CPR should only be performed when necessary. If performed on a healthy dog, CPR can be extremely dangerous and can cause physical complications or fatal damage. There are different ways to perform CPR on different types of dogs, for instance:

For dogs under 10 Kg/22 lbs, you much use one-handed technique that includes wrapping the hand over sternum and chest. Carry out 30 compressions (100-120x/minute). Allow the pet’s chest to fully recoil between compressions. Give two mouth-to-snout rescue breaths after each set of compressions.


For medium to giant dogs, lay the dog on her side on a flat surface. Now use the two-handed technique by placing your hands over the widest part of the chest. Compress the chest 1/4th of its width, squeeze and release rhythmically at a rate of 80 compressions per minute.

Get trained in pet CPR by attending a certified Pet CPR Training in Petaluma and get to know the right way to perform CPR and save a pet’s life.