3 Common Myths That Stop People from Learning CPR

Learning CPR is an important skill, one that is encouraged by authorities, healthcare workers and anyone associated with live saving services. Yet, very few people enroll for CPR certification Berkeley in a year. Often the reason for their reluctance comes from harmful myths.

Only professionals need to learn this

Many people assume that only professionals like firefighters and paramedics who deal with emergency situations need to learn CPR. The truth is that CPR can be learnt by anyone. Emergencies can happen anywhere, whether it’s at the roadside or at home and help is not always available. You can save someone’s life with the right training.

It can hurt the victim

There is some truth in this. Studies have shown that CPR does often result in ribcage injuries. However, it is important to remember that victims almost always recover from these injuries. But they cannot recover from a cardiac arrest on their own. So, while you may hurt the victim by administrating CPR, not doing so may actually result in his/her death.

It can result in a lawsuit

What if an adverse result (eventual death or injury) results in a lawsuit against you? This is unlikely since your motivation is to save another’s life. But even if it does, the Good Samaritan law will probably be an adequate defense for you.

The best way to ensure that there are no adverse effects is to get CPR certification Berkeley. Learning the right technique reduces any chances of mishaps.