Why There is Need to Renew CPR Certification – Infographic

The info-graphic titled as “What is CPR Certification: When do we need to renew it?”, brief about basis of CPR certification and what are the main reasons to renew it.

AHA has let the initiative of keeping CPR performance standards and guidelines up-to-date as possible. Keeping yourself up to date along with the latest technologies is very important as you dealing directly with someone’s life. It also helps you to refresh your memory on the concepts and physical components of CPR.

If you caught up in any medical emergency then in that case you don’t have to thing much on what should you do first. Your refreshed instincts tell you everything. Do not let the victim die until the medical help arrives.

CPR saves one life as it helps to keep the brain and body function till the medical help arrives and defibrillation to takes place. To know more about the CPR certification and reasons, please refer to the details mentioned on below infographic.

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