Enroll in Childcare-prevention of illness and injury training

It is better to be safe than to be sorry.

Health promotion and prevention of illness and injury with the training program at Adams Safety Training; can help child care providers protect children from unexpected illnesses and injuries. Adams Safety Training Licensed Childcare Programs such as EMSA Training programs are certified and approved by the State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA).

The main aim of EMSA Training prevention of illness and injury program is to identify the risk factors of the disease so that information about these can be widely shared thus helping everyone keep their children safe. People use the information and knowledge from such programs to change their behavior so as to lower the risks of illness and injury among infants and children.

Some of the topics covered in the prevention of illness and injury training are as follows

• Understanding how diseases spread- Knowing the types of communicable and non-communicable diseases is important if you want to prevent their outbreak. Communicable diseases spread among children through contact with an already ill person, through the air, etc. Direct or indirect contact with an ill person can spread communicable diseases. Training programs offer solutions to such issues. Child care providers can decrease the risk of spread of childhood infectious diseases by getting enrolled in training sessions, picking up knowledge and then disseminating it in their communities.

• Inculcation of practices that help prevent the spread of diseases and injuries- Child health care providers including parents, school staff, child care center personnel, etc are taught of preventive ways which can help lower the risks of the spread of illness and injury. This training helps to strengthen the safety of the child.

• Preventive health policies- Making systematic changes through improved laws and regulations as well as upgrade of economic, social, or physical environments can maximize safety for children. Likewise empowering behavior change in our surroundings through increased and improved knowledge imparted by such training programs, helps promote disease prevention and wellness of children.