Category Archives: CPR Certification

Why Learning Or Re-Learning CPR Technique Is Important?

The Infographic titled as “How to save a life: CPR” below dwells on the compelling reasons that make CPR learning a must for non medical personnel like you. Since CPR is a procedure that is given to people suffering from sudden cardiac arrests, having its working knowledge would give you the rare opportunity of saving the life of a person, who may be virtually hanging between life and death at that particular moment. In other words, learning CPR technique would actually empower your life, and make you more inclined towards helping others in their moments of distress.

Learning CPR technique would also increase your chances of employability in companies that need people trained in life saving medical procedures. You would also have a great chance of getting into emergency response services like fire fighting, emergency medical response units etc. With a CPR certification under your belt, you would also earn the respect of people in your community and neighborhood, which may not have been the case earlier.

With a valid CPR certification and working knowledge of delivering CPR procedure to people in distress, you would also develop a special ability to remain calm even in the most distressing situations. You would have the wits to do what is right for people faced with a life threatening situation like cardiac arrest, and you would definitely enhance the chances of their survival through your knowledge of CPR.

In case if you wish to gather more information about the CPR technique and how it is administered on the affected person, you can also refer to the information provided in the Infographic titled as “How to save a life: CPR” below, which dwells on the compelling reasons that make CPR learning a must for non medical personnel like you.

What Is The Importance Of CPR Training?

The full form of the term CPR stands to be cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This is a process or a method by which a person who has stopped breathing can again be helped to resume his or her normal rhythm of breathing. This is a training that is often given to people who wishes to make a career for themselves into the healthcare industry or people who wills to take up job profiles where they might need to give a CPR to people who are sinking in terms of their breathing. In this context, we can understand that a CPR training San Jose program, is one of the most significant training sessions that will not help and improve the person receiving the training but at the same time can also support several other people indirectly.

There are many benefits of such CPR training in San Jose. Let us take a look at them.

Proper Training – These CPR training San Jose sessions are educative sessions which help a person to get an appropriate training so that they can understand any situation correctly and hence take the most appropriate steps to meet and counteract the situation. This is why most of the relevant authorities look for such certifications at the time of recruiting such professionals.

Help For One And All – People who have received such training are the people who can be of immense help for the community as a whole. They can help people while they are on duty and even when they are not. These are the people who can help strangers and their own family and friends alike.

Proper Handling Of Crisis Situation – Often, people suffering from cardiac arrests and drowning requires s CPR. Often such people are not critical and can recuperate quickly if the right support is given at the right time. One good support is to lay them on their back and allow them to breathe freely. This is something that can be assured by a person who has received the due training.

People who aspire to make a career in such streams must get such training at the earliest.

What to Know Before Attending a CPR Class?

‘Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation’ is a basic medical training to rescue the people having suffered from cardiac issues. The aim of the CPR training is to make regular breathing. If any person’s heart stops working then CPR is immediately needed within minutes. But before joining any CPR class there are some facts you should know.

Level of training

In CPR Classes San Jose, there are several pieces of training which are of very short notice. The classes are based on the interest of the learners.

• Some basic techniques are incorporated for the adults. It is also required if you are taking care of some elder person.
• For children, the techniques of breathing and heart compression are far different than others. A child specialist coach in school, a playground is necessary for this purpose.
• To provide proper healthcare or to be a medical professional CPR is the basic level.

Where to enroll?

It is to be thought of where to take the proper CPR training. Generally, CPR training programs are held in any medical colleges, hospitals, camps, etc. The training will be noteworthy if you get training from some renowned American association like CPR Classes San Jose. If you are not sure, discuss with your employer or any senior representative person about the course details before enrolment.

Medical needs

Make sure CPR Classes San Jose meets the requirements you are hoping for. It may be for your personal care, care for family and friends or social consciousness. Nowadays where cardiac attacks are frequent issues, it is your personal duty to wake up with alertness.

Apart from all these, there should be an online test for checking your general knowledge and some practical dummies of heart will be available for practice. Be sure to get a certificate from an authorized instructor.

Importance of Pediatric CPR Training

Pediatric CPR training Petaluma is focused on teaching the right method of administrating CPR on small children. Any adult who cares for a child should undergo this treatment. This includes family members, teachers, caretakers, bud drivers, nannies, and pediatric staff. This is very critical because children are very prone to accidents.

Pediatric CPR can save a life by ensuring the life-giving supply of oxygen to vital organs like the heart and brain is not depleted in the event of a respiratory or cardiac stroke. Other emergencies where it can save a child’s life include poisoning, accidents, drowning, SIDS and smoke inhalation.

Pediatric CPR

Do you really need to learn pediatric CPR if you know general CPR? Yes, because children and infants have different physiology and bone structure from adults. An infant’s bones are more flexible than an adult’s. So, a child’s bones can bend where an adult would break. A child’s tongue is also larger in proportion to his/her mouths, and the airway narrower. It also makes children more vulnerable to choking. The narrow airway can trap foreign objects like a toy.

More importantly, different physiology means that CPR technique is different for infants. It may be minor, but it can be critical in an emergency. This is why all professionals and careers for small children are asked to learn CPR. Hence, learning pediatric CPR can benefit you in many ways:

  • It ensures that a child in your care has access to emergency care in all circumstances.
  • Children are prone to accidental choking. Learning CPR ensures that any such accidents do not end in tragedy.
  • Providing CPR at a critical stage can save a child’s vital organs. In the first few critical minutes after a stroke or breathing problem, the lack of oxygen to vital organs like the brain and heart can cause organ damage. CPR restores the blood flow to these organs.
  • Administrating CPR to an infant can be daunting because you are scared of pressing too hard on the ribcage. Pediatric CPR training Petaluma teaches you the right method and thereby, gives you the confidence of taking infant CPR.

The Right Process for Administering CPR

This infographic titled ‘CPR Training in 3 Steps’ explains just how CPR is properly administered. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, more popularly known as CPR, is an emergency procedure that involves a combination of synchronized chest compressions with rescue breaths to keep the brain functioning manually and keep the blood pumping around the body.

Who can benefit from CPR

Those who have been rescued from drowning, or who are going into cardiac arrest or experiencing a heart attack, need CPR for surviving until the medical help reaches them.

How does the procedure work?

  • Give chest compressions: Lean to have your shoulders directly over the patient’s chest. Now press down for about 2 inches before releasing. Do not remove your hands even after you release. Let the chest come back up and then repeat the procedure.
  • Proceed to open the airway: Tilt the patient’s head and then lift his chin. This should open the airway again after you allow his mouth to open a bit.
  • Give rescue breaths: Forcefully breath inside the patient’s mouth for at least a full second and see if his chest rises or not. If it does not, give another breath, if still not, tilt the head and chin, and then try the breath again.

How can CPR training help you?

  • Save lives: With proper CPR training, you will be there to save lives and give people close to them a sigh of relief.
  • Turn professional: Your knowledge can also get you a job in a hospital or other medical facility, as well as in many other sectors.
  • Feel proud of yourself: You certainly will have a reason to feel proud of yourself, for you will have the knowledge to become the people’s protector and earn their respect and love in return.

For more information, please refer the attached infographic.

4 Reasons You Should Send Your Employees for CPR Certification

Many CPR institutes run CPR certification San Ramon courses for office employees. As an employer, you can arrange for CPR training for your staff.

Learning a new skill: The key to employee growth and development is arranging for the learning of new skills. CPR should be seen in the same category. It is a life-saving skill that many experts believe is essential. Learning CPR can make one more confident of tacking crisis and more aware of security parameters.

Ensuring help: Accidents can happen anywhere, including office space. If your employees are CPR trained, you know that there will always be help at hand in case of emergencies. A trained person will know exactly how to deal with such cases.

Legal requirement: Some organizations and professions are legally required to ensure safety training for employees. In some cases, it can help you avoid any legal repercussions. For instance, dealing with emergencies on your premises will be seen as your responsibility. Employees trained in dealing with such cases will reduce any chances of penalties.

Safety first: Employees with CPR certification San Ramon are automatically more aware of the necessity of maintaining a safe environment. Such employees are more likely to follow and enforce safety rules.


How to Get CPR Certification

Everyone should learn COR. It is an important skill that can save someone’s life. But the question is how one gets CPR certification San Francisco.

  • Look for classes near you. It could be near your home or office, depending on your connivance. A simple online search should give you the answer.
  • Meet the people running the classes. Ask them about the duration of the class and the fee. Will you be getting a CPR certificate? This is important because you may need it in the future. Ask if you will be allowed hands-on training in the class. Find out if your trainer is certified to teach CPR.
  • Know what to expect. Usually, a CPR course can take up to 3 hours. But this may depend on the number of people and their skill levels. You will learn to do compressions, clear airways, focus on breathing and aid the patient’s recovery. You will have to pass a certification course. This may involve a written exam and a demonstration.
  • CPR certification is usually valid for two years. At the end of this term, you have to go in for the renewal of your CPR certification San Francisco. A renewal program may take less time.


Why You Should Learn Pediatric CPR Training

Contrary to popular perception, pediatric CPR training Petaluma is not mean just for medical professionals like pediatricians and nurses. This is an essential training program meant for anyone who regularly interacts with children. This includes parents, relatives, teachers, bus drivers, and caretakers.

You can save lives

Studies have shown that the rate of survival in children who suffer from a cardiac arrest outside a hospital is as low as only 6%. The reason? It’s because bystanders simply do not know what to do in such cases. Now think, this can happen in your home or the classroom where the children are under your watch! With the right training, you can save a child’s precious life.

Professional requirement

For people whose job requires them to interact with children on a daily basis, learning pediatric CPR could be a professional requirement. Professionals like teachers and caretakers are responsible for the health and safety of children under their supervision.

Because it is different from adult CPR

Do you need pediatric CPR training Petaluma if you already know adult CPR? The answer is yes. This is because children have different physiology and bone structure from adults. They have narrower airways and their bones tend to flex. One must also e careful when administrating CPR to avoid injuring the child.

Why You Should Learn CPR

This infographic titled “Reasons to CPR Classes” focuses on why one should learn CPR. The infographic is aimed at the average person who is reluctant to learn more about this essential skill. Many health experts often urge people to take these classes because learning CPR can help one save someone’s life.


More than 30,000 people in the United States suffer from cardiac arrests every year. CPR is the best way to ensure that these patients have a fighting chance at survival. CPR ensures flow of oxygen to the brain and other vital organs can be maintained till an ambulance arrives and advanced tools can be used to assist recovery. In the absence of immediate medical assistance, it gives patients a fighting chance to recover from an otherwise fatal heart attack.


Despite its proven efficacy in an emergency, statistics show that only 15-30% people who suffer from sudden cardiac arrests outside of a hospital receive CPR from bystanders. In other words, there are just not enough people who know the skill and can administer it when required.


If you are trained in this essential life-saving skill, you can:

  • Assist EMS personnel in an emergency.
  • Develop confidence in dealing with emergencies. Such situations can be terrifying because we know that there is a danger to someone’s life. With the right training, you will know how to deal with such situations and what you can do to diffuse it. You will gain confidence in dealing with such unexpected situations.
  • You can save a loved one’s life. Many people rarely think that they may have to deal with a heart attack patient. But did you know that about 85% of cardiac arrests occur at home? Which means that when a heart attack occurs, the immediate bystanders are most likely to be family members.


Learning CPR gives you the confidence of knowing that you can save someone’s life. If you are still reluctant, please refer to the attached infographic.

4 Common Myths about CPR Certification

Despite health authorities repeatedly appealing to people to learn CPR, few people actually bother to learn this life saving skill. We know that it can save someone’s life, but people are often under many misconceptions regarding CPR that stops them from learning it. Here are the four most common myths about CPR:

You need to be an expert

No, you do not. You don’t need to be a doctor or paramedic to learn CPR. Anyone can learn it. You only need a certified centre and trainer.

You can injure someone through CPR

Yes, you can accidentally break their ribs. But being injured is still better than being dead! One can heal from the injury with time, but without the CPR, the patient will almost certainly die of cardiac arrest.

You can get stuck in legal troubles

What happens if you injure the other person or if he/she dies despite your best efforts? It is extremely unlikely that you will be hauled in by the cops for this. Even if you do, the Good Samaritan law should be enough to save you.

It’s rarely needed

According to the AHA, more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outof a hospital. Of these, 88% are likely to die. CPR is often the only way to save a victim’s life.