Tag Archives: Horse CPR

Performing CPR on A Horse: Tips and Guidelines

Farms animals have different airways from us. If you are using farm animals or petting it then you must get pet CPR training from a certified training institute.

Here are the common guidelines for performing CPR on a horse.

•    You should always keep a foaling kit and a resuscitation bag with yourself, if you own a horse or you have foaling training

•    Just like the usual CPR, check the obstruction in the airways if there is any. Remove all the birth debris mucus or amniotic fluid, in the foals, if it is present.

•    Try stimulating breathing by rubbing the foal with towels for 20 to 30 seconds. You can tickle the nostrils or stick your fingers in its ear if at first attempt it is not revived.

•    Next attempt is adapting emergency ventilation support. The Foal should be positioned on its right side and the mask should be placed on its nose. You can also take assistance from someone to extend the neck of the foal and put firm pressure along the left side of the neck. This prevents the air entering the stomach during resuscitation.

•    Use both the hands to squeeze the resuscitation bag at a rate of 10 to 20 breaths per minute, for forcing the air into the lungs.

•    Check heartbeat. If it is less than 40 beats per minute or it is less than 60 per minute but not increasing; then prepare to give chest compressions.

•    Place the Foal on a firm, dry surface. Support it with rolled towels under the thorax. Place the hands at behind the foal’s triceps at the highest point of the thorax.

•    Perform the compressions at a rate of 80 to 120 a minute. The resuscitator can be relieved every two minutes

Horse CPR