Tag Archives: CPR Trends 2015

CPR trends to follow for 2015

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedure has changed noticeably in the past decade, and it appears to have moved towards simplification. Survival of victims depends on the quality of the CPR. For this reason, American Heart Association (AHA) has time and again changed the process of administering CPR on patients by bystanders or certified people. Let’s have a look on the CPR steps that you can follow in case of emergency in 2015.

  • A – B – C (Airway – Breathing – Compressions) process becomes C – A – B

You no longer need to look or feel for breathing in unresponsive victims. Start the chest compressions before giving rescue breaths. That’s why the sequence A-B-C has been changed to C-A-B, so that chest compressions can be initiated sooner and blood flow can be maintained to avoid brain damage.

  • 30:2 compression-ventilation ratio

After giving 30 compressions, a rescuer should give a total of two breaths to the patient. Also, remember that chest compressions should be delivered at a rate of at least 100/minute and each compression need to be at least 2” deep.

  •  Minimize interruptions in compressions

Interruptions should be minimized during chest compressions in order to maximize the number of compressions per minute and increase survival chance for the victim.

  •     Use AED as soon as it is available

In adult use the AED as soon as it is available With Infant and Children in the event that the victim is not showing any movement following five cycles of CPR, then use automated electronic defibrillator (AED) on him/her to restore circulation.

By following these techniques, you may be able to save the life of a victim. In fact, you, your friends and family members should attend CPR classes to develop skills and knowledge required to face such emergency situations.